Knowledge Base

Whitelisting Appfigures with Google Play

Some G Suite organizational security policies limit the access that external services have to Google Play data. If this is blocking you from connecting you Google Play account follow the instructions below to whitelist our Google Play integration:

1. Go to the G Suite Trusted App Panel. If you don’t have access to this and are a G Suite organizational user, you might need to ask a G Suite administrator to follow these steps.

2. Click the "Whitelist An App" button in the lower-right of the page.

3. Fill in the following, depending on the type of account you're linking:

Google Play

  • App Type: Web Application
  • OAuth2 Client ID:

Google Ads (Adwords)

  • App Type: Web Application
  • OAuth2 Client ID:

4. Submit, and we should now be able to sync your Google Play account.