Competing for ASO ranks is easier when you find keyword opportunities.
You need to improve your ASO because Apple's original apps are appearing in more search results, including ones where they aren't relevant.
Many enterprise apps make 3 App Store Optimization mistakes that really hurt their discovery
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Paid ads impact your organic discovery. If you do ASA wrong you could really hurt your ASO.
You can rank for even the most popular keywords if you know what mistakes to avoid - here's how.
Here's a keyword every top result messes app, and how to fix it and become the top results.
Here's what you need to know in order to get your apps to rank in very popular ASO keywords
This little mistake many make with their ASO means fewer organic downloads. It's an easy one to fix!
The algorithm has an interesting quirk that when ignored could really hurt your game's downloads.
I took a look at an ASO from Dropbox that drew unnecessary ire from John Gruber
Lots of apps lose visibility on the App Store by making simple mistakes. Here's another simple example.
Use keyword opportunities to get more visibility for your mobile apps. Here's a simple example of one.
Curious how Apple's search algorithm ranks apps? This is how.
Should you include long keywords in your ASO, or should you eliminate those from your list?
Here are 6 simple rules, in the form of mistakes, that you need to make sure you follow to rank in the App Store.
Not all words say the same thing to the algorithm. Here's what it means for your ASO.
Apple's own apps outrank every other app regardless of performance, except for this keyword.
Want to find keyword opportunities? This is what you should be looking for.
This is how can new apps and games compete for better search results on the App Store.
Targeting a keyword because the competition is targeting it isn't always the best strategy. Here's what you can do instead.
The keyword that makes sense intuitively isn't always the more popular keyword. That's why you need data!
What can we learn by analyzing keywords related to games? That developers make the same mistakes as with apps...
You SHOULDN'T do this to your most important keywords if you want to rank high. It's an easy mistake to avoid.
How you work keywords into your app's name, subtitle, and keyword list can make or break its ability to rank well. Here's an example.